The Mighty Men Who Preceded the Age of Homer

Three hundred ton armorclad hill-men once caused calamity and chaos within the Aegean highlands like bionic one man armies.  These were the heroes recorded by Homer in the Iliad and the Oddyssey.

Many, including Achilles, wielded 1000lbs spears with tungsten pikes that would cause large detonations on impact.  Today, it would take all eight seal teams or the entire marine corps to take out Achilles, Odysseus, or any of those other other bronze age heroes and highlanders who were recorded in extraordinary tales kept by our distant prehistoric ancestors.

Rotting corpses was a common smell among those highlanders of old, but for the ones like Achilles, it was one of the signs that told you that they were still due to appear. The remnant genetics of these mighty men trickled down into the Moabites, Ammorites, Jebusites, Canaanites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivites and the Israelites. These tribes also possessed super human qualities such as prolonged life-spans and a heightened clairvoyance, however human size and strength had diminished by the time of Abraham, who could be taken out by just a small platoon or squadron of infantry.

Through Eden’s collapse by war (wip)

Through Eden’s collapse by war, and the sacrifice of Noah’s siblings, the fate of the world could be prophesied, and creation would only descend harder, to come crashing down until the floodwaters would set his family safely upon its shores.



Running along a rift that’s part of Earth’s first beaches, Eve has devoured the plants and vegetation which has begun to affect her brain like a drug.  Her sense of self-awareness has grown so acute that she has caused a violent frenzy among the beasts and birds of the forest, some have begun to run from her, while others chase her and her head has become engulfed in a flock of frenzied birds who’ve migrated from thousands of miles away.  This has become known as her dance, it’s the acknowledgment of herself, and it’s essentially a perfect dance.  The great rift is faced by an immense wall of the Earth’s exposed crust and stretches out into the distance as far as the eye can see, every two or three miles an enormous rock pillar is carved out of the Earth’s wall; the monolithic architecture of Adams race.


Out to the fields


Cain has grown into a behemoth, with gargantuan hands for tilling the soil.  Although he is clean-shaven, his entire countenance is more like that of a beast than a man, and he has been imbued with Gaia’s strength and ferocity, as the progenitor of the Wild Man, the Sasquatch and the Neanderthal.  He’s taken his brother Abel out to the great open field that he has tilled with his own hands, and they’ve begun to quarrel.  Cain has come to see him as a traitor, doing nothing to protect their birth-right from the predatory angels, so he picks up a mountainous boulder and splits Abel’s skull open, spilling out a stream of blood that is received by the bright green grass of the open field.

Earth’s 4th dimensional Kingdom


Earth's 4th Dimensional Kingdom copy

A radiant Eve appears to lead her husband Adam through a surreal and unthinkable tropical labyrinth.  All of the vegetation looks like it’s underwater, and loose leaves, flowers and fauna seems to float upward into the air, in some bizarre sort of vacuum, almost as if gravity itself were not as prevalent as it is today. Everything heavier is gently lifted up, off the ground, by this otherworldly antediluvian vacuum, emanating from the troposphere.  The tree’s trunks are so enormous that they appear as giant towers of flowing wood that fade into the murky vegetation-filtered sunlight above.  They’re now coming onto a deep and dark abyss, where unthinkable creatures exist, and a giant Ciakar fly’s out into the sky, from the murky depths of this dreamy labyrinth, to greet them.

Reptillians and Ancients exposed

This is an old post I am leaving up not to worship or glorify satan, but as a testimony of my coming up out of a dark and troubled past, but through all of that darkness, Jesus Christ had mercy on me and brought me to his truth, and through his truth gave me a new heart and a sinless body born again in Jesus Christ.

Again, were it not for my testimony of coming to Jesus Christ, these posts would be deleted forever, but I feel these posts are an important part of my testimony, and I have been forgiven for all of my sins through our Lord Jesus Christ.

I wrote this when I still had no realization of the truth of Jesus, I did not truly believe in him as our Lord and Savior or even that he was alive and existed and that he was the only begotten son of God that was crucified for our sins. It would be almost a decade later that I would come to the epiphany of Jesus Christ as true and real, and everything the bible speaks about him is true. After writing blasphemous post after blasphemous post on my disbelief in the God of the Bible and my firm believe that ‘satan’ (notice I don’t even capitalize his name anymore) is ‘god of all’ and the ‘god that truly loves us’. Little did I know that all the while God was working in me, and giving me a new heart and subconsciously I was coming to terms with our sinful nature and the truth of heaven and hell, and that Jesus Christ as the only begotten son Who died on the cross for our sins.

I feel in my heart that by leaving these old posts up here, the Lord will forgive me and understand and that disbelievers, such as I was when I wrote these, in a seemingly endless search for the true God, will come to the same conclusions that I came to during my search, That The bible is the true written word of God, his words are perfect, infallible and can fill you with perpetual joy knowing that even in our sin Christ loved us enough to sacrifice himself for us on the Cross, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son Jesus Christ, that whoever may believe on him may not perish but inherit eternal life (John3:16). Psalms 12:6-8 says; The Words of the lord are infallible, they are like silver tried in the fiery furnace under the earth (Hell; Sheol, Hades, Gehanna and Tarturus) and purified seven times.

I have learned through reading the Bible, prayer and fasting and believing firmly that Jesus Christ is the only Begotten Son of God who died for our sins that we can put them to death by repenting for them, in turn he will wash us clean as snow and show us how to love him more and more, everyday. For that is the ultimate purpose of life, to love and know God just as he loves and knows us, in so doing we can partake in his will, which will be done and whos kingdom will prevail on earth, just as it is in heaven.

God bless everyone reading these posts, and may the Holy Spirit of the Father and our Lord and savior Jesus Christ come into you, just as it came into me.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

  So could Reptilians have possibly been created by pre-flood titans, or giants?  Or where they created shortly after the flood to take on a kind of post-flood dominance over humanity?  And where they created by these giants to preserve some kind of divine knowledge that could have been lost, or fallen into the wrong hands after their race went extinct, or was the reason more sinister?  And finally, will this knowledge held by the Reptilians be retrieved by these giants when their race is resurrected?  This is similar to another story where there were reportedly giants living underground, who created smaller grey-type aliens who were equipped with their own flying disks.  One half of these greys brains were reportedly organic, while the other half was bio-mechanic, like super hi-tech computers in their heads, and they were all clones of each other, created for reconnaissance, and conducting human and animal experiments.  This video Has interesting information, other than the pro-Xian rhetoric, which I believe is false and misleading, it had good information overall.  Below is another one that includes Reptillians, astral dimensions and consciousness.