The Rapture of Implosion

2017 was the year all of my searching, watching Youtube videos high on marijuana and believing in vein the words and the scriptures of our Lord began to turn into belief in Jesus Christ, and this post serves as part of my testimony, that he was in fact born as a man by God who lived perfect and sinless, and who died for our sins on the cross, and that the bible is a true historical literary work inspired by the Holy Spirit.  My conviction and repentance came like a tipping point on a scale, in one moment, all of my disbelief turned immediately to a firm belief in Jesus Christ, even though I was still practicing sin, under all of it, knowledge of the truth of Jesus Christ was finally present in my waking mind.

Because we have the power in our tongues to give life or take it, the same holds true for the words we write, and myself being a former unrepentant sinner who believed satan over the true God of the Bible,  was on my way to leading many people astray, and for the few I may already have in my darkness and ignorance of Christ, I am truly sorry.  By deleting many of the blasphemous posts on this website I wrote in the past I am repenting to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who despises those who lead others astray, but he died on the cross for us who sin and if we turn from our wicked ways and repent, he is quick to forgive us.

Although much of the old content is gone forever, I hope that what remains will help unbelievers in Christ, in a seemingly endless search for the true God, come to the same conclusion, That The bible is the true written word of God, his words are perfect, infallible and can fill you with perpetual joy knowing that even in our sin Christ loved us enough to sacrifice himself for us on the Cross, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son Jesus Christ, that whoever may believe on him may not perish but inherit eternal life (John3:16). Psalms 12:6-8 says; The Words of the lord are infallible, they are like silver tried in the fiery furnace under the earth (Hell; Sheol, Hades, Gehanna and Tarturus) and purified seven times.

I have learned through reading the Bible, prayer and fasting and believing firmly that Jesus Christ is the only Begotten Son of God who died for our sins that we can put them to death by repenting for them, in turn he will wash us clean as snow and show us how to love him more and more, everyday. For that is the ultimate purpose of life, to love and know God just as he loves and knows us, in so doing we can partake in his will, which will be done and whos kingdom will prevail on earth, just as it is in heaven.

God bless everyone reading these posts, and may the Holy Spirit of the Father and our Lord and savior Jesus Christ come into you, just as it came into me.

Saturday, October 24, 2020


Revelation A Silver Age will be resurrected, where Super technological phenomena happens and will culminate in The Rapture, bringing Humanity to its physical and intellectual apex. The word will be plagued with fire but two thirds of ‘humanity’ will still survive, because Revelation happens in a world where there are no longer any true mortals like us, but one filled with near immortal beings, with very long life spans.
Those who’ve followed Christ will achieve full immortality through the technology they have integrated with in their past. It will reach such a high state that humanity will be able to live purely off of Earth’s planetary ley line grid, while transforming their human genome over multiple life-times. There will be a gradual, karmic release, but only if implemented correctly through Christ. Christ implemented technology will use the grid to realign not only mind and body, but soul or spirit with the orbiting planetary chakras. The second skin of nails, or the ‘garment’ of Adam, will be restored and will be the physiological manifestation of this Messianic technology on the human body. It will be their ‘anointing’ into immortal Cherubs. A sudden, unexpected form of spontaneous combustion will teleport the chosen to a gathering place in Heaven as a result of imploding terrestrial technology into the celestial. This will be ‘The Rapture’, the final ascension into a higher dimension. The mark of the beast will become to them like the mark of Cain was to the Son’s of Adam and Seth. It will be a mark that binds one to the Earth and separates them from the heavens, through their choices in ‘consumer’ technology, and thus failed pursuit of Christ in their daily lives. Just as Cain was the Son of Lucifer, and not Adam, The Anti-Christ will be born from the union of these ungodly, Earth bound inhabitants, in the last days.