The Luciferian Kings of Atlantis and Mesopotamia

This is an old post I am leaving up not to worship or glorify satan, but as a testimony of my coming up out of a dark and troubled past, but through all of that darkness, Jesus Christ had mercy on me and brought me to his truth, and through his truth gave me a new heart and a sinless body born again in Jesus Christ.

Again, were it not for my testimony of coming to Jesus Christ, these posts would be deleted forever, but I feel these posts are an important part of my testimony, and I have been forgiven for all of my sins through our Lord Jesus Christ.

I wrote this when I still had no realization of the truth of Jesus, I did not truly believe in him as our Lord and Savior or even that he was alive and existed and that he was the only begotten son of God that was crucified for our sins. It would be in November of 2017, still in my sins, smoking that horrible drug called spice, that I would come to the epiphany of Jesus Christ as true and real, and everything the bible speaks about him is true. After writing blasphemous post after blasphemous post on my disbelief in the God of the Bible and my firm believe that ‘satan’ (notice I don’t even capitalize his name anymore) is ‘god of all’ and the ‘god that truly loves us’. Little did I know that all the while God was working in me, and giving me a new heart and subconsciously I was coming to terms with our sinful nature and the truth of heaven and hell, and that Jesus Christ as the only begotten son Who died on the cross for our sins.

I feel in my heart that by leaving these old posts up here, the Lord will forgive me and understand and that disbelievers, such as I was when I wrote these, in a seemingly endless search for the true God, will come to the same conclusions that I came to during my search, That The bible is the true written word of God, his words are perfect, infallible and can fill you with perpetual joy knowing that even in our sin Christ loved us enough to sacrifice himself for us on the Cross, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son Jesus Christ, that whoever may believe on him may not perish but inherit eternal life (John3:16). Psalms 12:6-8 says; The Words of the lord are infallible, they are like silver tried in the fiery furnace under the earth (Hell; Sheol, Hades, Gehanna and Tarturus) and purified seven times.

I have learned through reading the Bible, prayer and fasting and believing firmly that Jesus Christ is the only Begotten Son of God who died for our sins that we can put them to death by repenting for them, in turn he will wash us clean as snow and show us how to love him more and more, everyday. For that is the ultimate purpose of life, to love and know God just as he loves and knows us, in so doing we can partake in his will, which will be done and whos kingdom will prevail on earth, just as it is in heaven.

God bless everyone reading these posts, and may the Holy Spirit of the Father and our Lord and savior Jesus Christ come into you, just as it came into me.


Saturday, October 24, 2020

  I believe the fallen Olmec kings were my biological prehistoric ancestors, who had people in their family who could recollect firsthand accounts, or other people, that were directly connected to the flood.  I feel the Olmecs were a Postdiluvian tribe, scattered from the twelve tribes of Israel, which came to inhabit the lands of South America and Indonesia, and that they came to inhabit this area of the world in a distant time when the oceans were more like shallow canals, and the entire Earth was in much closer proximity, comprising a pre-flood, Atlantean civilization.  I also feel that the Olmecs were giants, enormous humans who could effectively create, move and fashion other enormous objects, such is the case with any prehistoric, unexplained megalith you see, within every country and every continent on Earth.  Notice that the pyramids on Earth’s Eastern hemisphere look eerily similar to the ones on the western hemisphere, as is the case with the step pyramids in Asia and Africa, compared to the ones in  Mesoamerica, South America, North America and Indonesia.  I believe all of these pyramids were built shortly after the Earth shattered during the flood, and there were no such thing as continents, but instead a terrain traumatized by massive rifts, which formed cracks throughout Earth.   During that time our beaches looked more like the grand canyon in Arizona, as this is a relic of these Antediluvian canyon-beaches, which were formed in just a short span, directly after the flood.  Over time, these rifts (all but the Grand Canyon rift in Arizona, and possibly a small handful of others not mentioned here) continued to spread outward, eventually forming the oceans and the continents we see today, this is a testament to the devastation of the initial shock-wave which had occurred just prior to the flood, that was so strong, it caused expansion throughout the entire Earth.  But underneath the catastrophic devastation, was the actual event which triggered it all, and that was when Lucifer fell, that great serpent was cast down from heaven, and imprisoned in the dungeon of Tartarus.  Lucifer’s consciousness fell in vibration from its original sacred geometrical form, which was an icosahedron, from the Earth’s center.  The actual discovery of an icosahedron energy structure at work in the Earth can be ascribed to biologist and paranormal science researcher Ivan P. Sanderson.  Personally, I believe whatever caused the post-flood expansion, caused it from an outward current of energy emanating from Earth’s center, and which took the form of the icosahedron, discovered by Sanderson.  Ivan Sanderson had discovered that this energy had become the most concentrated within twelve different locations on the Earth’s surface, and these became known as Vile Vortices, or what Sanderson fittingly called, “The Twelve Devil’s Graveyards Around the World”.   Vile_Vortices_Map   If you look at the map, these are the geographic areas alleged to have the same mysterious qualities popularly associated with the Bermuda Triangle, the Devil’s Sea near Japan, and the South Atlantic Anomaly.  The Vile Vortices are what I think of as personalized energy signatures left by Lucifer when he fell, they became Earth’s thirteen major chakra centers, and one-hundred and forty-three minor chakra centers.  They also established what became the sacred geometry comprising our collective consciousness upon this dimension, as well as the dimensions below ours.  This is referred to as Earth’s Sacred Geometry, the same sacred geometry used in the design and construction of religious structures such as churches, synagogues, mosques, religious monuments, altars, and tabernacles; as well as for sacred spaces, such as temenoi, sacred groves, village greens, holy wells, and the creation of religious art.  All of this is done under the various guises assumed by masonic organizations from around the world, and instead of being called Sacred Geometry, it’s always referred to as ‘the Golden Ratio’.  If you look at the location of the twelve (not thirteen) major energy vortexes, or chakra centers on the map, you will see that they were the direct cause of how, and why the tectonic plates broke apart Earth’s shell (or crust, if you still believe the traditional, heliocentric ball earth model, and not the geocentric concave model) the way they did.    As for the original energy structure comprised by the ley lines, which directly followed the flood, they have been drastically altered over billions of years, through the construction of cities that have been built atop the thirteen major chakra centers and along specific ley lines covering the Earth.  This is the global parasitic urban sprawl that has come to claim Earth like a cancer.  It has come to be known in scripture as the Whore of Babylon, the Mother of Prostitutes and Abominations, through its countless occult rites and invocations, done mainly by royal and papal bloodlines.  The rites and incantations served to manipulate the post-flood energy grid which had originally covered Earth.